GTA Online

GTA Online The Contract: How much Money do I earn with VIP Contracts?

Rockstar Games released the expansion The Contract for GTA Online on December 15, 2021. This revolves around Franklin Clinton, one of the three protagonists from GTA 5. Franklin has set up his own agency that offers solutions to the special problems of VIPs.

Together with your business partner, you can now complete various story missions in The Contract. The aim is to successfully complete the big VIP contract, in which you work with the musician Dr. Dre, whose smartphone with important data on it has been stolen and copied.

Preparation for the VIP Order

How can I earn money? In order to get started, you have to spend more than 2 million GTA dollars on an agency building. So it’s clear that you want to recoup your investment as quickly as possible, preferably at a profit. So the question is, how lucrative are the individual story missions and what reward awaits you at the grand finale of the VIP mission?

Setup missions for the grand finale

Although The Contract is not a new heist, the structure of the missions is very similar. Similar to the heists, the only VIP mission available to date consists of multi-part missions in which you work towards the larger goal.

You first have to complete several preparatory missions and locate various smartphones before you can actually get your hands on Dr. Dre’s phone. Each phone has two setup missions that you have to complete.

GTA Online - VIP Order
© Rockstar Games

In contrast to other heists, however, these setup missions are quite simple and can also be tackled by solo players. In most cases, you simply have to survive waves of enemies or find evidence.

However, the missions in which you have to find the copied phones can be a little trickier, as you have to compete against better-equipped enemies who deal a lot of damage and can also quickly stab you in the back due to their sheer numbers. You should always have good equipment with you in the form of weapons, snacks and armor.

However, if you have practiced in GTA Online and have already successfully pulled off a heist or two, you shouldn’t have any major problems here.

GTA Online The Contract - Setup Missions
At the beginning you have to break into the well-secured FIB building. © Rockstar Games

This is the reward for the VIP order with Dr. Dre

Each completed setup mission and each phone found will grant you a small amount of money.

Completing the VIP mission itself will earn you a handsome 1 million GTA dollars. This means that you don’t necessarily need other players and you will still receive a very nice sum as a reward. After a certain amount of time, you can also play the VIP mission again to earn more money. This way you can recoup your investment in a very short time.

Patrik Hasberg

Schreiberling, Spieleentdecker, praktizierender Perfektionist und Mann fürs Grobe. Außerdem laufender Freizeit-Hobbit, der Katzen liebt. – Hunde gehen auch. „Auch sonst eigentlich ganz ok“.

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